Loan facility provided by Banks and NBFCs has made the dreams of a lot of people to own a place of their own come true. However, not everyone’s dream come at the same price! Lenders employ a lot of norms and standards to verify Home Loan applications to ensure that the borrowers don’t default in the future. Depending upon various criteria, the interest rates are determined and it varies between the applicants. Some may have to pay higher rates and some lower interests. In today’s article, we’ll discuss how it is possible to reduce your interest rates as you start your repayment with Home Loan Balance Transfer.
Before approval of any loan, Banks and Housing Companies look into various factors of the applicant for evaluation and determine the risk factors associated. Here are some of the factors that are considered while reviewing your application.
Taking into account all the laid out Standards and industry norms, the managers of NBFCs or Banks take a final call to approve. While most Home Loan applicants have higher chances of approval, the interest rates vary between them. Banks determine the risk factors that can hamper repayments in the future. So, in order to compensate for the risk factors, Banks levy higher interests on the risky applications and lower interests on those with fewer factors of risk.
Home Loans in Bangalore undergo severe scrutiny before approval. Because of the volume of applicants, the lender makes intense background checks and determines the rates depending upon the risk factors. While Banks offer loans as cheap as 7.5%, they may go upto 10% interest rates. While the short loans may not have a big impact on the value of money repaid, in the long run, they’ll take out a big chunk of your income.
Lenders levy interest on multiple models and the most preferred is MCLR rates. The Marginal Cost of Lending Rate (MCLR) adjusts to the changing markets. When interest rates are hiked, your EMIs will spike. The borrower needs to keep in check their EMI dues every month.
If you have already availed a home loan at higher interest rates, you can reduce your interests and also increase tenure (if required) by switching your lender. This process of changing your loan from one lender to another is called Home Loan Balance Transfer.
Here’s the step-by-step process to transfer your loan. Alternatively, if you find the process tedious, you can hire Home Loan Agents in Bangalore who can help you port your home loan.
A Home Loan Bank Transfer is a good opportunity for the borrower to reduce their liability. Borrowers need to make an informed choice while availing the facility. Do not fall into the traps of short terms offers promoted by the lenders. Hire experienced Home Loan DSA Money Mango for smooth and reliable facilitation of transfer.